John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Nursery Rhyme

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, His name is my name too! Whenever we go out, the people all shout, "There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!" John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, That's me you see! We wear the same shoes, and have the same views, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt! One sunny day, John Jacob, feeling bold, Decided a change was a story to be told. He dyed his hair purple, with a mischievous grin, And donned a bright yellow hat, where a brown one had been. He met his friend John Jacob, with a surprised stare, "My goodness, old friend, what a sight to declare!" John Jacob, the first, chuckled, a twinkle in his eye, "Just a bit of fun, a reason to fly!" They walked down the street, a mismatched pair, Turning heads, causing laughter to fill the air. People pointed and whispered, some shook their heads, But the two John Jacobs held their chins up instead. "It's okay to be different," John Jacob declared, "To stand out from the crowd, a sight to be shared!" His friend, John Jacob, agreed with a nod, "Sameness is boring, let's explore this new road!" From then on, the two John Jacobs, a sight to behold, Walked hand-in-hand, their stories untold. One in purple and yellow, the other quite plain, But together they sparkled, erasing the rain. So next time you see someone a little outlandish, Remember the John Jacobs, their spirits so candid. Embrace what makes you unique, let your colors take flight, And the world will be brighter, a beautiful, joyful sight!

About John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Nursery Rhyme Themes

Embracing Individuality: The story emphasizes the importance of embracing what makes you unique. John Jacob’s decision to dye his hair purple and wear a bright yellow hat shows that it's okay to be different and express yourself in your own way.

Confidence in Self-Expression: The nursery rhyme teaches children to be confident in their self-expression. Despite the surprised stares and whispers, the two John Jacobs hold their chins up and proudly display their individuality, encouraging children to be confident in who they are.

Celebrating Diversity: The friendship between the two John Jacobs, one in purple and yellow and the other quite plain, highlights the beauty of diversity. It teaches that differences should be celebrated and that friendships can thrive even when individuals are not the same.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Nursery Rhyme Original lyrics

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt,
His name is my name too.
Whenever we go out,
The people always shout,
There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
Dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah