Princess and the Pea - The Sneezing Prince

Princess and the Pea - The Sneezing Prince

In a kingdom nestled between rolling hills lived a prince named Frederick. Now, Frederick was a good prince, kind and fair, but he had one very peculiar problem – terrible hayfever. A single sniff of pollen could turn him into a sneezing, sniffling mess. Finding a princess was proving difficult. Every time a beautiful princess arrived for a visit, a single stray flower or a whiff of wind carrying pollen would send Frederick into a sneezing fit. The princesses, understandably, weren't impressed by a prince who couldn't stop sneezing all through dinner. The Queen, desperate to see her son settled, declared a new test. "Any maiden who can withstand a night in the Prince's guest room will be considered for his hand in marriage!" she announced. Dozens of princesses arrived, all decked out in their finest gowns. But the moment they entered the guest room, a luxurious chamber with plush carpets and silken sheets, they would wrinkle their noses. "This room is far too dusty for a princess!" they'd declare, fanning themselves dramatically and leaving in a huff. One rainy afternoon, a young woman named Ella, riding a donkey and wearing a mud-splattered cloak, arrived at the castle gates. Unlike the other princesses, she wasn't there for a grand entrance. She was simply seeking shelter from the storm. The Queen, surprised by Ella's lack of pretense, offered her a room for the night. Ella, grateful for the hospitality, readily agreed. When she entered the guest room, unlike the other princesses, she didn't complain about the dust. She simply rolled up her sleeves, grabbed a damp cloth, and started cleaning. The Queen, watching from afar, was intrigued. Later that night, as the castle slept, the Queen snuck into the guest room with a mischievous glint in her eye. Underneath the twenty plush mattresses, she carefully placed a single, solitary pea pod. The next morning, the Queen rushed to the guest room, expecting Ella to be complaining about a restless night. But to her surprise, Ella looked well-rested and was humming a cheerful tune as she swept the floor. "How did you sleep, my dear?" the Queen asked cautiously. Ella smiled. "Like a princess, Your Majesty! Though I must say, those mattresses could use a good airing out. All that dust made me sneeze a few times." The Queen's eyes widened. Here was a girl who didn't mind a little dust, who wasn't afraid to work hard, and who, most importantly, wasn't bothered by a single, tiny pea pod! Frederick, hearing his mother's excited chatter, entered the room. He saw Ella, her face flushed from cleaning but her eyes sparkling with warmth. They talked, not about grand balls or fancy clothes, but about books, the weather, and the importance of a clean living space (especially for someone with hayfever). Frederick, for the first time in a long time, didn't sneeze once. He realized that a true princess wasn't defined by her ability to feel a pea through twenty mattresses, but by her kindness, resourcefulness, and understanding nature – qualities that Ella possessed in abundance. And so, Prince Frederick, with his hayfever and all, married Ella, the princess who wasn't afraid of a little dust or a pea pod test that didn't involve uncomfortable beds. They ruled their kingdom with kindness and laughter, proving that sometimes, the most unlikely places can hold the greatest treasures.

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